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Ambiguous Grammars


I've recently been learning about programming languages, parsers, and interpreters—mainly by reading Bob Nystrom's Crafting Interpreters. And one concept I've found most interesting so far is that of formal grammars.

A formal grammar is a set of production rules for transforming or rewriting strings in some language. For example, here's (a simplified version of) the formal grammar of Lox, the programming language implemented in Crafting Interpreters:

program   => statement* EOF
statement => exprStmt | printStmt | block
exprStmt  => expression ";"
printStmt => "print" expression ";"
block     => "{" statement* "}" ;
primary   => NUMBER | STRING | "true" | "false" | "nil"
             | "(" expression ")" | IDENTIFIER

Each rule describes how we might break down a symbol into constituent symbols:

  1. A program is one or more statements followed by the end-of-file symbol.

  2. A statement is an expression statement, print statement, or block.

  3. An expression statement is an expression followed by a semi-colon.

  4. A print statement is a "print" followed by an expression followed by a semi-colon.

  5. A block is an opening brace followed by one or more statements followed by a closing brace.

    ...and so on, until...

  6. A primary symbol is a literal value—a number, string, boolean, nil—a grouped expression, or an identifier.

The grammar starts with a start symbol, "program", in the first rule. Symbols (like literals and identifiers) that can't be further decomposed into other symbols are terminal symbols, while the symbols that can are non-terminal.

By applying the grammar rules from top to bottom, we can "produce" valid sequences. For example, we can choose to generate one statement, make it a print statement, and use "3" as the expression, which produces the sequence, print 3;. And with a different choice in each step, we get a different output sequence.

The set of all possible sequences we can generate with this process is called the language of the grammar. Lox has a recursive grammar: expressions can contain other expressions, as in most other programming languages. So its language set is infinite.

We can also use the grammar rules to parse sequences and check for errors. We can apply the rules in the above grammar to convert this sequence:

print "hello " + "world";
false || true;
print 3 / (4 + 2);

...into this tree:

    "type": "print_statement",
    "params": {
      "expression": {
        "type": "binary_expression",
        "params": {
          "operator": "+",
          "left": "\"hello \"",
          "right": "\"world\""
    "type": "binary_expression",
    "params": {
      "operator": "||",
      "left": "false",
      "right": "true"
    "type": "print_statement",
    "params": {
      "expression": {
        "type": "binary_expression",
        "params": {
          "operator": "/",
          "left": "3",
          "right": {
            "type": "binary_expression",
            "params": {
              "operator": "+",
              "left": "4",
              "right": "2"
    "type": "EOF"

We know a sequence is not in the language set if we cannot parse it according to the production rules. In the example below, we first find a block statement and recursively parse its inner statements. But then we find that the outer block has no closing brace, so the sequence is invalid.

  print "hello";
  print "world";


After reading the section in Crafting Interpreters on formal grammars, I planned to write a detailed post about implementing a parser for a formal grammar. I was going to use (a simplified version of) Markdown for the language itself, because I felt Markdown was pretty popular and had a small syntax.

But on closer look, I realized writing the grammar and parser for Markdown wouldn't be as straightforward as it was for Lox.

Lox's grammar is carefully designed to be unambiguous: the symbols within a print statement must form an expression; the symbols within a block must be statements. But Markdown doesn't work the same way.

As one example, Markdown uses asterisks to emphasize text: *text* for <em>text</em> and **text** for <strong>text</strong>.

We can specify a basic formal grammar as below:

text-run => ( strong | em | text )*
strong   => "**" text-run "**"
em       => "*" text-run "*"
text     => [a-zA-Z0-9]+

But this grammar rejects *text, text*, **text, and text** as badly-formed sequences, while Markdown interprets them as plain text.

Programming languages aim to be air-tight with their grammar and enforce correctness by returning parsing errors for invalid sequences—see the Go, JavaScript, and Python specifications, for example. But just like HTML, Markdown tries to find the most reasonable output any the given input. Hence, the popular variants of Markdown, like CommonMark and GitHub Flavoured Markdown, have informal specifications written with prose, examples, and test cases instead of a formal grammar.

As for my blog post, I'll have to find a less ambiguous language to use.